For those waiting with bated breath, Part II of my previous post is still on the way, but I started writing it and didn’t like the way it was going so I’m scrapping it and starting over. In the meantime I had something else to share….so it’ll just have to wait.
Today I got to witness a little bit of what Heaven could be like. No, I’m not saying Kingman, KS is Heaven. Kingman is FAR from Heaven, actually. Don’t get me wrong, I have a special place in my heart for the place, as it’s the location I entered the world, but that’s about it. What I experienced today was a much smaller earthly version of what we might expect to happen to us when we get to Heaven. Let me explain.
Roughly 9 months before I was born, in the beginning of 1979, my dad officially entered into the ministry. He accepted a position as Sr. Pastor of Kingman Assembly of God, his first church ever, and it had a congregation of approximately 12 people. He had a big job in front of him: grow a dying church. This was to be accomplished while he was just some “young kid” (he was roughly 26 at the time they went there, 4 years younger than I am now) in a city where he knew no one. He had no friends to call in a favor on (hey, come to my new church!) and no easy targets that he’s been “living the Christian witness” for that he can FINALLY pop the question on. Nope, he had to step completely out of his comfort zone and….are you ready for this….TALK TO PEOPLE! He went door knocking. He went out into his new community, took some of the people from the church, and started telling people how to be saved from their sins.
I am as guilty as anyone of saying that Dad had an advantage that I’m not afforded, and that would be his title. It’s easier to say, “Hi, I’m pastor So and So and I want to talk to you about Jesus” than it is if you’re NOT Pastor So and So. The recipient of that conversation might not like what’s said, could possibly not even listen to what’s being said and likely won’t make an immediate change in their lifestyle….but they expect it because of the title which makes it easier to start that conversation. How many people have I not talked to because I thought they might not like what I have to say? How many people have I let slip by because I wasn’t willing to take that first uncomfortable step and approach someone with the Good News that I had? John 4 shows where Jesus talked to the woman at the well. You may have heard the story hundreds of times, but the discomfort that is present here is never really brought to full life. First, this woman is a Samaritan, who Jesus is not allowed to speak with in the first place. He then proceeds to tell her, she has ”…been married 5 times before and the man you are living with now is not your husband”. He is CALLING HER OUT in her adultery. He JUST MET THIS WOMAN! Can you imagine walking up to a stranger when all of a sudden God reveals to you, “this woman is living in sin with her boyfriend” and he then requires you speak against her sin? THAT, my friends, is uncomfortable. But what was more uncomfortable to Jesus was the thought that he didn’t tell her about his LIVING WATER and let her go back to the life she was living before that encounter. Paul went so far as to write in Philippians 1:20 that he wants Christ to be glorified in either his Life or his death. In other words he said, “God, kill me or keep me here, either way I’m good with it….just make sure it glorifies you!” THAT’S UNCOMFORTABLE!!!
What I experienced today was a group of people that had their lives touched roughly 30 years ago. It was the dedication ceremony of the new sanctuary at what is now called “Covenant Assembly.” All of the previous pastors of the church were invited to be there, as they played a part in the church’s history and helped bring it one step closer to where they are today. A lot of stories were told, a ton of hugs were given and a nice little fried chicken dinner was served. The most impactful thing though, the thing that made the whole trip worthwhile, was to see a group of people who loved my Dad for more than just being a great guy….they loved him because he was the one that told them about Jesus. “Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed” are a few of the lyrics from Ray Boltz’s song “Thank you”. I sang that song a million times growing up, but never fully got it. It paints a picture of what your first day in heaven could be like. Based on your works here on earth there could be throngs of Christians gone before you who have their eternal salvation due to Jesus and you, the person who told them about Jesus. I got a little taste of that today, living vicariously through my dad. People well into their 70s and 80s that were telling the younger people in the church, “I remember the first time Tommy came and talked to me….” And proceeded to tell about the first time Dad talked to them about Jesus. After all these years and after all the other pastors, that 26 year old newbie preacher impacted the rest of their life, literally from then to eternity.
What we do on this earth should not be for the pride and recognition. The Bible says in Matthew 6 that if you get your rewards here on earth that you shouldn’t expect them in heaven. I would also say that as much as you WILL receive reward in heaven for your earthly works that it also shouldn’t be your only motivation, though it is a nice bonus. What should drive you to uncontrollable action is that if you are a born again believer in Christ you have the answer that the world is looking for. Everyone. Not just some of them, but everyone. There is not one exception. The Agnostic, the Catholic, the Muslim, the Buddhist, the person who CLAIMS to be a Christian…EVERYONE! It’s likely you don’t have “the title”, but you DO have the answer. Comedian/Magician Penn Jillette of “Penn & Teller” fame, a self proclaimed atheist, is quoted as saying,
"How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?”
Did I mention that answer you have is for EVERYONE! Look at the Disciples. They didn’t have a “title” of pastor or doctor or theologian. In fact, the only titles they had, which basically amount to being known as having been “with” Jesus, would actually get them thrown in Jail and KILLED! Yet they had a compulsion to give, at the cost of their own life, the answer that everybody needed.
You could be the link, and quite possibly the ONLY link, that some people have to eternal salvation. Have you stopped to think about that? There may not be one other interaction that a person has with a born again Christian except for the one they’re about to have with you. We are not promised tomorrow, both in life and opportunity. If we don’t take the opportunities God gives us today it’s never possible to assume we will have them tomorrow. When I wasn’t willing to endure the discomfort of beginning an awkward conversation about my salvation through Jesus with a friend or even a family member I was willfully ignoring my DUTY to share the ANSWER that is available to them. It’s so much more than the earthly benefits such as healing or the peace they will have when going through a difficult circumstance. The answer is the entire reason Jesus came to earth, and that is to save a people who could not save themselves. Now is not the time to simply, “live a good life”. The pope lives a “good life”, as do any assortment of non Christian people. Simply living a good life will not bring someone to a knowledge of Christ. Is it a component of your witness? Absolutely! It’s a good example that will show those around you that the salvation you’re speaking of is more than just a moniker you’ve given yourself, but a true life changing ordeal. Again, you can’t simply let your “Christian witness” hang out there all alone. Look at every account of witness in the Bible. For instance, look at the beggar asking for money from Peter and John in Acts 3:6. All he could see was his need for financial provision, yet they responded, “silver and gold have I none, but SUCH AS I HAVE, GIVE I THEE!!" Refer back to the woman at the well. She was asking for physical water and Jesus HAD THE POWER AND ABILITY to provide for that physical need. Instead, he pushed on to the deeper need, which was his Salvation. If you don’t want to look at illustrations of this, there is a clear instruction given in Romans 10, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” Living a good life is exactly that…good. But you have to back it up by saying, “it is only through Christ that I can live this way because I don’t have the power within me to save myself and to not sin and it’s the saving Grace of Jesus and help of His Holy Spirit that I was first saved from sin and can now live this way.”
Consider this my call to action. Let today be the day you throw away your excuse for not reaching out to that person you’ve been “living your witness” around for years. Don’t just invite them to church, either. I’m toying with an entirely separate topic, but the church is supposed to be used to build up those who are ALREADY saved and then the saved are to go OUTSIDE the church and spread the word. Now is the time to lay it all on the line. You don’t need a title, or a person WITH a title, to tell that friend or co-worker about Jesus. You can do that on lunch. You can talk to them before or after work. You can share it with them in between classes in the hallway. You can send them a private message on Facebook. However it is that you tell them about Jesus…just tell them.
Now is the time to start building up your Heavenly receiving line.