Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. - Jude 1:3

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is the "Why" behind our Apology

Today I introduce to you, "We Would Like To Apologize". This serves as an introduction into the why and how behind this project. I might throw in the who, where & when to complete a perfect little newspaper article, but that will be for another day.

Hannah and I have a heart for the truth, plain and simple. We are not perfect, Lord knows. We also will lay this out there before you have a chance to say it....we DON'T know everything. But the love for truth is what's driving us to start this Blog. That, and the fact that I watched Julie and Julia and am about to turn 30. But 99% because of the truth thing.

It is an almost daily occurrence that we are witness to things posed as being "of God", but couldn't be further from the truth. It could be a mindset, a belief, an understanding, or even something that has been taught as "gospel" since childhood but can be found nowhere between the covers of the Bible. It also is to be noted this comes from both inside and outside of the church. We are at a time on God's timeline when not having an understanding of His will and His direction is too costly a mistake to make. We are not about to mount our "high horse of higher holiness" (hereafter referred to as the "4H" but wish to allow ourselves to be used as God's servants to uphold and defend His word against untruthfulness.

Hannah and I will both be posting at different times, so if you notice's most likely me. If you see amazingness, it's probably her. All communication will go through my e-mail, though, so feel free to address the mail to either one of us.

Once we have posted an article I encourage you to post comments and spur good natured conversation. The ground rules will be these;

1) Comments are to be directed to the bible and in direct reference to the topic of the article. Any attacks directed at the persons commenting (i.e. "Man, you are an idiot like Bryce!" or simply CALLING someone, "Bryce") will not be tolerated and will result in the post being deleted and you being banned from being able to post in the future.

2)You are allowed to disagree! There is no one, no matter the training they have, that will have answers to everything. We should all work together to gain a better understanding of God's Word and a great tool to accomplish that is conversation and debate. At the same time, an argument unsupported by the Bible, or simply your "feelings" on an issue, is not an appropriate comment for this venue.

We look forward to growing together with you in the knowledge of Christ. Please e-mail me at with any questions or topic suggestions.

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